Armenian Brides: Why Armenian Women Can Make You Happy

Armenian Brides: Why Armenian Women Can Make You Happy

Armenia is a former USSR country that, however, has very little in common with Russia and other ex-USSR states. Armenia stands its own ground, and so do Armenian women for marriage. They are often compared to their Slavic counterparts, but the truth is that there are enough differences between them to make you want to choose one over the other. Here are the 5 qualities that make Armenian brides so attractive.
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Characteristics Of Armenian Brides

Their beauty is striking

The beauty of Armenian girls is the first thing you notice about them and it’s hard to stay impartial to their striking appearance. Armenian brides have outstanding looks, and we are pleased to confirm that they are absolutely natural. The pale skin, large expressive eyes, plump lips, and dark, luscious hair of Armenian women are as attractive as their feminine figures and graceful walk. Women in Armenia don’t wear particularly revealing clothes, but they know tips and tricks to make themselves even more attractive to men.

They are slightly old-fashioned

When you first meet Armenian singles, you are going to be delighted by their old-fashioned demeanor. These are the women who will never reach out to men first, who will expect classic romance and absolute gentlemanly behavior from their date, and who will never make a scene in public out of fear of embarrassing themselves. Armenian mail order brides are not that quick to change their behavior to get more modern, and that is exactly what we love about them so much.

They are polite and respectful

Armenian girls are brought up in intelligent families where emotional intellect is valued as much as formal education. As a result, a typical Armenian bride is one of the most polite, well-behaved women you have ever met. An Armenian woman will treat you with respect every time you are together, whether it’s your first date or your 20th wedding anniversary. You can expect a complete understanding, compassion, and respect for your wishes from an Armenian girlfriend.

They are completely monogamous

When you first get to know Armenian single ladies, you will probably be surprised by their lack of romantic experience. However, once you spend more time with them, you will realize that it’s not a naturally shyness or reservedness that prevents them from having lots of romantic relationships in their youth. They simply want a perfect relationship that ends in a lovely marriage, which is why they are not the biggest fans of the idea of dating multiple people one by one or at once just to find your soulmate.

They make excellent conversation partners

One of the positive things about being a former USSR state is an excellent educational system. Nearly every Armenian girl has full secondary education, and many of them then obtain university degrees. In addition to giving Armenian women enviable career opportunities, this high-quality education also makes them well-rounded and able to talk about anything. An Armenian bride will easily talk to you about modern art or visit an important work function with you and discuss international politics to the delight of everyone around her.

Tips On Getting Armenian Brides

Even dating a woman from your own country can be somewhat challenging, especially if you have different backgrounds or you personally don’t have a lot of dating experience. Needless to say, dating Armenian women can be even more challenging since you grew up in completely different parts of the world and have a totally different dating culture. When you look at the prospect of dating Armenian girl, these 5 tips will help you make a perfect impression.

  • Take the matters into your own hands. Sometimes Armenian single women will surprise you with how modern and decisive they are, but meeting each other for the first time is not one of those cases. Armenian brides always expect the man to make the first move, although the woman can indicate her interest in you using other ways.
  • Demonstrate your serious intentions. As you can guess, the decision to date a foreign guy is not an easy one for an Armenian mail order bride. That is why the worst thing that can happen is dating for years and the relationship still doesn’t go anywhere. Even at the beginning of the relationship, your Armenian bride needs to know your long term plans involving her.
  • Find out about the things she likes. As an American man and an Armenian woman, you and your girlfriend will face lots of differences in your views and backgrounds. However, instead of making them into a problem, you can use them to enrich your relationship. Brush up on your knowledge of Armenian history, culture, cuisine, and outstanding personalities, and surprise your Armenian woman with your level of expertise.
  • Talk about your own family. Wherever you go on a date with an Armenian lady, make sure you have several cute stories about your family to tell her. Armenian women cannot live without strong family ties, and they will be delighted to see you as an equally family-oriented man. It goes without saying that you shouldn’t mention your ex-wife or former girlfriends too much, but parents, siblings, and children from previous marriages will make great conversation topics.
  • Treat her family and friends as your own. We have already talked about how important family is to Armenian mail order brides, and you also cannot go wrong with asking questions about her side of the family. Even before you meet them, there are plenty of things you can find out about them, and once you become part of the family, you will need to invest some effort into making them appreciate your presence.

Armenian Women For Marriage: Top 5 Things To Look Forward To

You don’t need to be a romantic expert to see that dating single Armenian women is not the same as marrying one of them, but only in a good way. Armenian mail order brides save some of their best features for marriage, and here is what you can expect when you are married to an Armenian wife.

They value your opinion

The old-fashioned, traditional nature of Armenian women also means that they are willing to accept the man’s leadership status in the family. An Armenian wife won’t attempt to convince you that her opinion is the only correct one or subject you to cold treatment when things aren’t going her way. Armenian wives are always looking for a compromise, so as long as you also value her opinion and take it into account, there should be no issues in this department.

They are outstanding cooks

Cooking skills are a source of pride for Armenian women, and for a good reason. They grow up learning the tricks and secrets of home cooking from their mothers and especially grandmothers. By the time they reach the age of marriage, they are fantastic cooks who know Armenian cuisine in and out. And while we have no doubt that you will fall in love with Armenian delicacies the first time you try them, you will be delighted to know that an Armenian wife will also quickly learn your favorite American dishes.

You won’t find a greater mother for your children

Motherhood allows Armenian women to feel complete and they often name it as one of their biggest accomplishments in life. The more children an Armenian wife has, the happier she is, although these women are also very sensible in this regard and will never insist on having more kids than the family can afford. Armenian wives raise the happiest, healthiest, most ambitious and respectful children you have ever met, so your Armenian woman is the perfect candidate to become the mother of your kids.

They are feminine in everything they do

If you enjoy it when women are being feminine, you will definitely reach your peak happiness by marrying an Armenian bride. These women are not openly flirty or seductive, but femininity seems to be in their blood. Even when they are at home alone with their husbands, they dress up, put on a little makeup, do their hair, and behave as gracefully and attractively as they did when you first met them. You can watch your Armenian wife do chores, talk on the phone, or even watch TV for hours and still find her admirable.

They don’t have impossible expectations and ambitions

Marriage to an Armenian wife is not the story of outlandish demands and ambitions. Whether your Armenian mail order bride came from humble beginnings or originated from a wealthy family, she knows that you need to work hard to ensure a decent quality of living for your family. That is why your wife will never be visibly unhappy about your salary, home, or car. On the contrary, she will work together with you to achieve the family’s financial goals instead of being a constantly negative, nagging presence in your life.

Why Do Armenian Brides Choose Foreign Husbands?

Armenia is one of the most perplexing countries in the world. On one hand, it’s rapidly changing politically, economically, and socially, trying to become a better place to live in for its citizens. On the other hand, the attitude towards women in Armenia is still largely obsolete, and Armenian women fight hard to be seen as equals, often unsuccessfully. Armenian women are frequently denied the same rights and perks as men do. This is one of the reasons why ladies in the country become Armenian mail order brides.

However, that is certainly not the only reason. Girls in Armenia have a romanticized notion of the Western world and believe they can be happier there. They are also strongly attracted to Western men, so the possible challenges of moving to another country for marriage are nothing to them compared to the joy of spending eternity with a wonderful, handsome, loyal, respectful, and generous American man.

How To Choose The Best Armenian Mail Order Brides Service

As a modern man, you are probably not a stranger to various internet dating services and may have even used one or two of them before. However, regular dating sites give you a very slim chance of successful Armenian women dating. Armenian ladies are hard to find on popular American dating sites or apps, so you should consider using a special Armenian mail order brides service instead. But how to choose a service that will meet your needs and gets you closer to your goal? Here are a few parameters to check:

  • Quality of the audience. Even the best dating site is nothing without a big, active audience. There should be enough female members for you to choose from, their profiles should be active and run by the women themselves, and the profiles should look genuine and maybe even slightly imperfect instead of featuring only flawless professional photos.
  • Modern design and features. When searching for your ideal Armenian bride, you should be able to take advantage of modern communication features such as video calls and gift delivery. Moreover, the dating site of your choice should be convenient and easy to use on any platform. It should have a pleasant design with no bugs or distracting elements, and bonus points if the site is also available as a mobile app or, at least, has a decent mobile browser version.
  • Security and customer support. Above all, you want to feel safe when using an international dating site. Online dating and scam have gone hand-in-hand for a long time, but lately, things have been getting better. Popular dating sites take active steps to get more secure for their members, and you can look forward to advanced safety features such as profile verification. Customer support, where you can get timely assistance, is also essential for a good dating site.


Dating Armenian women is one of the most gratifying experiences in the world, and once you try it, you will undoubtedly want more. This is exactly why our site exists — to help Western men find an Armenian bride quickly and safely. Check out our list of recommended dating sites and discover the shortcut to your success with beautiful Armenian women!

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