How to Meet one of Nepal Women and Fall in Love with Her?

How to Meet one of Nepal Women and Fall in Love with Her?

Nepal brides first charm you with their unique and delicate facial features, but then you begin discovering their wise and spiritual personalities. Marriage to a Nepal woman can be a lot of things, but it is never boring.
Home | How to Meet one of Nepal Women and Fall in Love with Her?

The country of Nepal, where, according to legend, Buddha was born and where the highest mountains are located, attracts many travelers. Amazing and unique women also live in this marvellous country. All over the world, women are an adornment of any country, and Nepal is no exception. Their bright clothes are striking. These women are so vibrant that they seem to illuminate the surrounding space. Nepal women prefer red, yellow, and orange colors. On their foreheads, they often have a bindi — an ornament and a sacred sign at the same time, which is ordinarily drawn with red vermilion.

Nepalese women feature simplicity and great appearance. They attract the attention of men not only with their colorful national clothes and various shades of skin, but also with their soulful eyes and striking looks, sometimes slightly thoughtful and mysterious, as well as a bit ironic or understanding. So, what are Nepal women like?

They Have a Very Special Beauty

Stunning women from Nepal know the ancient secrets on how to attract men. They not only impress every male with their beauty, but also with their natural grace, magnificent figures, and vivid temperament. Nepalese women have a particular shape of eyes, modest smiles, and clean skin. Among the most beautiful Nepal women are famous actresses, models, and winners of both national and international beauty contests. Many beauties with Nepalese roots live outside this country.
Interestingly, slightly chubby women are revered in Nepal. For most Nepal men, a woman without a round belly cannot be attractive. If Western women strive to get rid of some excessive weight they gained from improper nutrition and low mobility, Nepal women are accustomed to a poor diet and hard work. So, the owners of round bellies can proudly boast their shapes. Other women silently envy them, tying saris under their breasts and wrapping scarves around waists to show that they also have attractive female forms.

Young Nepal women take care of themselves. They know how to be beautifully dressed and they look tidy, even though the central water supply system is weak and iefficient in Nepal. In winter, Nepal women are often gathering around small rivers and open springs to wash clothes, dishes, and their bodies while the sun shines brightly, giving a little warmth. 

They Are Educated and Have a Broad Outlook

Primary education is free in Nepal, and English is a mandatory subject in all educational institutions. The level of education among girls from wealthy families is significantly higher though. A number of universities, colleges, and various kinds of courses can be found in Kathmandu and other large cities. All parents try to give their children a better education and often send them to study abroad, most often to the UK, Singapore, and South Korea.

They Are Committed to National Traditions and Religious Beliefs

Nepal is a country of numerous cultural traditions that may not be very clear to foreigners. Most of the customs are associated with their religious visions of the world. The dominant religion in Nepal is Hinduism. That means the population worships cows as sacred animals. Accordingly, the country’s inhabitants do not eat beef. There are also Buddhists, Muslims, and adherents of other beliefs in Nepal. 
The life here is strictly subordinate to the caste system, as in India. The higher caste karma guarantees a top social position. Here, many current laws regulate gender equality, but in everyday life, Nepal women often feel like second-class humans. In many areas of life, patriarchal structures are still manifested in private, professional, and social aspects. Local women have much less freedom than men.

They Are Friendly and Hospitable

Nepal is a fairly isolated country, and most of its residents are entirely unfamiliar with the rest of the world. Nepal women will be sincerely pleased to find out where you are from, how you live, and what your relatives and colleagues do. You can notice some kind of innate friendliness and intelligence in them.
Foreigners arouse a genuine interest of Nepalese women. In many ways, this curiosity is combined with a sincere desire to help in such unfamiliar surroundings. Many Nepalese people believe that all foreigners are rich people who have an opportunity to work, travel, and earn money. So, be prepared for curious looks and questions, especially if you are away from big cities.

They Are Brought Up on Family Values

Traditional family values dominate in Nepal. According to the Marriage Registration Act, the minimum legal age for marriage is 20 years for girls. However, they can marry at the age of 18 with parental consent. In rural areas, girls often marry much earlier. After marriage, they automatically pass into the husband’s caste. Also, Nepal women are entirely under the patronage of men and do not have the right to do anything on their own.

The birth of a girl in Nepal was never considered a joyful event. Girls in Nepal are brought up by strict rules. Before marriage, even simple kisses and touches are totally banned. After marriage, young women begin to give birth to kids every year. Up to 15 children in a family is a common occurrence. You can see pregnant women everywhere in Nepal.
Polyandry and polygamy are still preserved in some parts of the country. Historically, this is due to the restriction of the right for land and the frequent absence of men who used to leave home to work for a long time. Nepal women can eat only after all the men and children in the family are already fed. The house is entirely on women’s shoulders. Local females wake up before sunrise to bring some water and take care of household chores.

What Are Nepal Brides Like?

Traditionally, marriages in Nepal are organized by prior agreement of the parents. However, marriages by young people’s own will are becoming more common. Choosing a wedding date is a crucial point. It cannot be selected at random, and astrologers are meticulously calculating this date for a happy married life. A typical Nepalese wedding is a lengthy event that can last for the whole week. Every evening, the bride returns to sleep at her parents’ house. Only on the last evening, the marriage is finally considered as successfully held. The end of the ceremony and the beginning of the married life are traditionally celebrated with a festive banquet.
The bride is the main beauty at wedding festivities. It is hard not to recognize her even among numerous guests. She is dressed in a red sari made of noble materials, with golden embroidery, fancy patterns, and, of course, precious jewelry. Most Nepalese brides are slim and slightly taller than average European growth. They have an attractive appearance, proper clothing style, and respect for personal hygiene. All in all, Nepalese women are lovely, agreeable, and obedient. An open demonstration of feelings between a woman and a man is unacceptable, even if they are getting married. 

Where Can You Meet Nepal Brides?

You can meet pretty women from Nepal everywhere in the world, but most often in big cities. They usually go abroad for educational purposes and often stay to work and live in a foreign country. Of course, you can visit Nepal and meet a beautiful girl in the capital or other cities.
Social networks can also come to the aid. However, the use of online dating services is still the best option for finding the right person to communicate with and start a pleasant and stable relationship.

How to Find a Reliable Nepali Dating Website?

Online dating agencies are the best way to meet beautiful Nepalese women. There, you can find a large selection of attractive ladies from Nepal and meet a young woman of your dreams who would be really interested in a relationship. So, do not waste your time and register on a dating platform on the Internet. 
If you are not in Nepal but want to meet a beautiful and smart Nepal woman, try to use one of several online resources specifically designed for uniting single people. Some websites provide opportunities for meeting partners from a specific country and communicate in real life, and other sites work for the whole Asian region.  
In this way, you can meet thousands of attractive Nepal mail order brides and learn more about their lives and traditions. Using these websites, you cannot select soul mates only by age or religion, but their location too. Do not hesitate and put aside any doubts – online dating websites are the perfect way to start communicating with unique beauties and find your true love from this beautiful country.

5 Tips on Dating a Nepali Girl

Nepal is a country with original traditions that should be considered when meeting a local girl. Here, you can become familiar with some essential customs and rules.

  1. A traditional Nepali greeting is “Namaste” or “Namaskar.” Also, you need to fold your palms and raise your hands to your chest. The higher you raise your hands, the more you show respect to the interlocutor.
  2. Nepalese people usually express consent with a head nod or a shrug with shoulders. Disagreement is demonstrated by a head movement from side to side. As a rule, Nepal women are very open and clearly show what they think of a particular thing or another person.
  3. An outstretched hand with the palm and fingers down is used to call a waiter or service personnel. Since the left hand is considered unclean, it is not acceptable to eat or take anything with it. Touching someone’s head is prohibited, as it is regarded as a sacred part of the body.
  4. Do not be surprised if the owner of a local cafe silently puts you a rice supplement on your plate, even if you did not order it at all. In this case, it is not worth leaving a large tip for an extra serving. You can offend a person for whom this rice was a gesture of selfless concern.
  5. When entering a Nepalese house – a Hindu or Buddhist temple – you should take off your shoes. You also can’t throw garbage into the fireplace as it is considered a sacred symbol of home and family. The traditional food is rather scarce and, despite the usual hospitality in Nepal, it is quite acceptable to bring and put on the table some food and drinks.


It is possible to state that Nepal women are friendly, beautiful, and very modest. They are also smart and well-educated. They are in no hurry since their religion prescribes not to fuss. So do not waste your time — just register on a dating site and choose a Nepal mail order bride who can become your lovely and faithful life partner.

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