Korean Brides — Korean Women for Building a Happy Family

Korean Brides — Korean Women for Building a Happy Family

Korea is a country of contrasts. Here, ancient centuries-old traditions are successfully combined with modern reality. After the 1950-1953 war, the territory of the Korean Peninsula was divided into two parts — North and South Korea. The lands of North Korea are rich in minerals, and South Korea attracts tourists from many countries due to its unique resorts with fantastic nature and amazing views of the mountains and the sea.
Home | Korean Brides — Korean Women for Building a Happy Family

Most foreigners who come to South Korea claim that this country is a real separate world in which life goes according to particular laws. This country is different from all other parts of the world in many ways. The country of morning freshness, South Korea, combines ancient traditions with a dynamic pace of life and modern culture. The current high economic level of South Korea is the merit of past generations of both men and women.

Korean Mail Order Brides Have a Pretty Appearance

The Korean-American blogger Karin Cho believes that a matter of etiquette for Korean girls is being always attractive and well-groomed. Indeed, the focus on looks is deeply rooted in Korean culture. In this country, looking pretty and being presentable is a sign of respect for other people and even an indicator of a hard-working nature. According to many Korean females, a girl who does not try to be attractive and pleasing to the eye is perceived as an ill-mannered person.
Therefore, Korean mail order brides differ from other girls by their neat and perfect appearance. Korean women are keeping a real cult of well-attended skin. That is why there are so many cosmetics stores, beauty salons, and plastic surgery clinics in South Korea. While surfing Asian dating websites, it may be challenging to distinguish a representative of one country from another immediately. If you see a girl with perfect skin, she will most likely turn out to be a Korean, although you can confuse her with a young Japanese woman.

As a result of such concern for the appearance, it can be difficult to determine the real age of a Korean lady. Very often, Korean women in their 40s and young girls of 17-18 years old look almost the same. Most women in Korea look younger their age. Also, only skincare is not sufficient for Korean girls and women. Korean brides also use a lot of makeup. It is not just about lipstick or mascara, but also various creams and powders that make their skin unnaturally white.
Modern Asian standards dictate such love for fair skin. Beauty for Korean brides means a guarantee to get successfully married. In Korea, as in most neighboring countries, a European appearance is ideal for aspiring. Many Korean girls are ready to do plastic surgery to make their appearance more European-like. A surgical operation to increase eye shape is trendy in Korea. Parents often present a gift of cash for such a procedure when their girl reaches the majority.

Characteristics of Korean Mail Order Brides

Unlike the rest of the world, South Korea has a fairly strong dictatorship regarding the female look. Beauty in South Korea is generally limited to one type of appearance. Korean girls can emphasize their individuality using various clothes and makeup, but an external type is mostly the same. Contemporary Korean girls for marriage are not always happy to follow all these requirements, but they cannot disregard them anyway. Both ultra-modern medicine and cosmetology can assist in this matter.
For single Korean women, compliance with beauty standards is not only a matter of aesthetics but also of social status and well-being. Parents teach their daughters to take care of themselves from an early age and show them pictures of beautiful idols. In this way, girls understand the direct dependence of their appearance and personal happiness. Hence, it turns out that the more attractive a Korean girl looks, the more successful she must be in life.

Korean Beauty Standards

Besides many nuances and individual preferences, some beauty attributes are almost nationally approved. The most common features of a Korean mail order bride are slenderness up to thinness, well-maintained and healthy-looked hair, small face and little head, V-shaped and slightly pointed chin, straight wide eyebrows, and almost snow-white skin. Korean girls are mostly petite by nature. However, it is believed that Korean girls should have a height above average, like models.
The hair of Korean women is naturally dark. Local beauties tend to paint and lighten them, but only a little. Some Korean companies and schools have strict regulations that prohibit bright or bleached hair. Curly hair does not meet standards of beauty, but some Korean girls have styled and fashionable curls. For that, numerous beauty salons offer a variety of hair care services. Also, hair should be long enough because it enhances a woman’s beauty.
At the same time, any Korean bride pays particular attention to such a concept as cuteness. That is, a Korean woman should be pretty and slightly resemble a child. Children and teenagers watch beautiful singers and actresses on TV day and night. So, they want to look precisely like gorgeous celebrities. Movie and show stars dictate not only style trends but also appearance. Both real-life and animated idols play a significant role model for Korean girls.

Childish Nature of Korean Girls

The typical hobby of Korean girls is watching TV dramas. Korean soap operas called “k-drama” are very popular in Korea. These TV serials have a particular effect on the Korean girls’ mentality. Every girl wants to feel like a heroine of a famous movie. Therefore, some phrases from TV shows, tears in public, and even showdowns with boyfriends on the street are typical for Korean girls.

At the same time, Korean mail order brides are childish and inactive. Many women from Korea look like teenagers since they manage to retain young facial traits for a very long time. They all love stuffed toys, children’s things, gadget games, and so on. A Korean girl can rarely first make an acquaintance with a guy on the street. In general, people in Korea avoid flaunting their relationships in public. 

Personal Relationships for Korean Brides

Dating, loving, and being loved are the main aspirations of Korean girl. On the streets of Korean cities, you can often see couples walking arm in arm. In this country, there is no such strict taboo on expressing feelings in public, as, for example, in Thailand. But on the other hand, showing feelings towards each other in plain sight like in Latin America is not acceptable here.
The culture of South Korea assumes a number of formal rules and rituals to respect the elders. Locals never treat older people in the same way as their peers. South Koreans behave at the table, offer drinks, serve food, and even talk depending on the present people’s age. In Korea, it is imperative to show respect to older people. That is why South Korean mail order brides often ask the interlocutor’s date of birth at the first meeting.
It is also worth mentioning the attitude of Korean women for marriage towards foreigners. Previously, girls often married American soldiers from military units stationed in this country. Korean society treated such marriages with suspicion. Today, many local girls are much more willing to choose men from Korea as life companions. However, this does not exclude the possibility of creating international couples and marriages with foreigners. Contemporary South Korea is increasingly turning into a multinational country.

Where to Find a Korean Bride?

Wireless Internet in South Korea is the fastest in the world. In this country, everyone uses gadgets. Dating apps are a perfect way to meet Korean girls and find a Korean wife. According to experts’ data, only one-third of local women aged from 21 to 39 years regularly use dating websites and apps. So, you can find and meet many Korean mail order wives online. Some of the most popular dating apps to meet Korean women include Noondate, GLAM, DangYeonSi, 1KM, HelloTalk, OkCupid, and of course, Tinder.
Online dating has many benefits. On each of these sites, you can meet beautiful, sweet, and intelligent Korean brides online. Dating sites allow you to choose an interlocutor based on the photos posted. Also, any man knows that the first date can be nervous. This nervousness is a natural reaction when you meet a stranger, especially when that person is from another country. Once you get to know each other better online, you can meet your Korean bride without worrying that she refuses you.

Tips on Dating South Korean Mail Order Brides

Dating Korean women online is not a challenging task. Korean girls are very fond of online communication and willingly make contact with foreigners. But, of course, you would like to know some secrets of how to win the favor of Korean mail order brides. For instance, South Korean women for marriage love initiative and well-mannered men. In addition, they expect a man to be easy-going, attentive, and cheerful in communication.
Do not forget to tell her compliments about her fantastic look. Beautiful Korean girls are very fond of everything related to hearts, stuffed toys, and romantic movies. So, you can use romantic emoticons or please a Korean mail order bride with a virtual present. Typically, many dating sites you can use for chatting allow presenting real gifts such as a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of perfume.

How to Date Korean Women

If you decide to visit Korea, come here in spring, during the cherry blossom season, or in warm fall to admire incredibly beautiful golden landscapes. All Korean girls love coffee. Therefore, all kinds of coffee shops are found here on every corner. Free Wi-Fi Internet is also available for everyone. So, when you managed to meet Korean girl online, you can invite her to a cafe and have an excellent time with her.

It should be borne in mind that Korean beauty standards apply to men as well. Men of tall stature with an athletic figure and thick hair are considered attractive to Korean women. Most of the local girls do not like men with bald spots. Also, the man should look after himself carefully. However, many Korean women believe that every man can be handsome with all his little flaws. They only make him unique and special.

Korean Brides Become Excellent Wives

When you meet a beautiful Korean girl, you will be pleasantly surprised to know how she is committed to traditional family values. She can surely have the perfect opinion of what the right family should be. At the same time, this idea of the family is shared by the majority of foreign men. Korean girls typically enter into marriage late, when the material base for a future life has already been created. So, these girls get married no earlier than they turn 26 or 27 years old. 
In Korea, the head of the family is a man, and a woman is in charge of domestic chores. Korean brides learn to be excellent housewives and mothers from childhood. A Korean woman may even quit her dream job and give up her career to take care of her family. Korean wives know how to do all the housework, raise children, and cook delicious dishes. When marrying a Korean woman, get ready to try some delicious and exotic food. You have probably heard about the peculiarity of Korean cuisine. Therefore, your Korean wife can cook any dish and do it perfectly.


A Korean girl is like a delicate flower — she is fragile and weak. So, she requires protection and care. Therefore, if you want to be the perfect man for a Korean bride, you need to be financially stable. A Korean girl will never marry a poor man, whether he is a foreigner or not. Korean mail order brides are always looking for a wealthy man who can provide financial well-being for the family. However, Korean women are usually not looking for a sponsor but a companion to build harmonious relationships and a healthy family.

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