What You Need To Know To Start Dating Estonian Women

What You Need To Know To Start Dating Estonian Women

Estonian brides may not seem like the world’s most passionate women, but they have an even more important quality for a happy family: patience. With an Estonian woman, you will feel truly at home wherever you are.
Home | What You Need To Know To Start Dating Estonian Women

Estonia is the smallest country in the Baltic region and is situated next to Russia and Latvia on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Its population is mostly Estonian and 85% of it is speaking the  Estonian language. There is also a Russian minority living in the country that stayed there due to the period of Russian occupation.

The popularity of  Estonian women as wives can be explained by a few reasons. 
First, Estonia has the largest quantity of models per capita that means local women are very beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to date a good-looking lady? If you value appearance a lot in a woman, then dating Estonian girls will be a great experience to live through. 
Second, Estonian ladies are very traditional. They raised in the traditions of the family that they follow for the rest of their lives, so if you think that local women are more open as they are living closer to Europe, you will be surprised. Estonian women are more guarded than Slavic women, Russian and Ukrainian, and they are even more restrained than the women of Latvia, although they come from the same region. The traditions of this country assume that the girl will be modest towards her man and that he would be exploring her inner world step by step. So if it’s okay for you to lead a relationship and if you agree to not hurry up to begin close communication, then Estonian brides are a good fit for you.
Third, ladies in Estonia are mostly introverts. That means your potential girlfriend would likely be more comfortable not hanging up with a big company of your friends and partying in clubs. Also, it would take some time for you to conquer her heart and make her want you. But still, it means you hardly will ever find her dating with other men simultaneously or flirting at work or in college. Therefore, if you value women who are calm and prefer close relations with people whom they know for a lot of time over several mates then Estonian woman will be a perfect companion for you. 
Fourth, but not least is that in Estonia, women are family-oriented. They look for a serious and stable relationship with a decent man who is ready to be a head of the family. If such an approach is suitable for you, you can create a close family with strong bonds and mutual respect. Also, Estonian women are used to caring not only about their kids but about nephews, smaller brothers, sisters, and other relatives, too. This is due to the customs of the country where families are big and caring about little kids is a mutual matter of all family members. The same is true regarding older parents: when kids have grown up, it’s their duty to take care of those who raised them and got older. 

One more thing you should know about Estonian girls is that they do not like to share personal information about their family. This is the thing that differs Estonian mail order brides from Slavic brides: they do not like to talk about their families too openly. It does not mean you will never hear anything about them or that you will never meet. In a case with an Estonian girl, you are likely to get to know her family when a lot of time passes and you have become close to each other.

What are Estonian Brides Like

1. They are perfectionists

Estonian brides love to keep their working and living environment clean and cozy. They strive to have an order in every sphere of their lives: at work, at home, in a relationship with a man and friends. 
They pay a lot of attention to the tidiness of their house or flat and will expect you to care about it, too. If you enjoy having chaos on your table or inside your locker, you will hardly get along with an Estonian girl. Living in a messy room is not acceptable for them, therefore getting used to cleaning your home is a nice habit to develop before you start dating an Estonian lady. 

2. They are humble

In Estonia, mail order brides do not need a lot for a comfortable living. They are minimalists and don’t like to pack their living places with a lot of things. Also, they are humble to other people. They would not act too lively in public and would not express their feelings too loud. Some may say that local women are not passionate and energetic but it is not absolutely true. Estonian girls just do not like to be open with strangers and, as we noted earlier, they are introverts, so the longer you know an Estonian lady, the more openly she would act with you. 

3. They laugh a lot

You may think that this fact is a bit controversial since Estonian mail order brides are not extraverted, but that’s true. They enjoy laughing at some good jokes. However, if you expect your ideal woman to be witty and tell jokes here and there, an Estonian woman is not the one for you. Still, they do have a sense of humor and if you enjoy telling anecdotes and funny stories, you will get a great listener in the person of Estonian woman.

4. They value honest and sincere men

In Estonia, women are genuine towards their close friends, relatives, and colleagues, therefore they expect you to be the same. If you don’t look for a serious relationship or don’t share any of Estonian woman’s values, it’s better to admit it and finish your relationship, than lie to her and pretend to be the one you’re not. 
Instead, if you are looking for a sincere partner, the one who will trust you and tell the truth, an Estonian lady would be a great companion for you. 

5. They love men who can do things at home

Estonian brides like it when their men can do things with their hands: fixing something broken or creating new things to make your home comfortable, e.g. some pieces of furniture will impress her. Don’t get us wrong, if you don’t know how to do anything at home, you still have a chance to win her heart but if you do, your chances increase a lot.

Where you can meet single Estonian ladies?

There are two ways to get to know an Estonian woman. If you live in Europe, you can travel to the country and get to know a lady there. Moreover, you are likely to meet an Estonian woman in your country since they often travel to other European countries to study or to do business. 

Another way to meet an Estonian lady is to get acquainted via a dating website. It is easier and cheaper than traveling directly to Estonia, while the chances of meeting your potential bride on such websites are higher. 

How to find a Reliable Estonian Dating Website? 

To make sure your dating experience would be interesting and safe, keep in mind a few things:

  • Safe transactions. Dating websites are not free of charge, therefore you should pay attention to the means of payment. If you miss this issue, you may become a victim of scammers. 
  • Support Team. Before you start using any dating site, get to know how to connect with the staff in case of any troubles.
  1. Means of communication. Choose the website that provides most ways to communicate with a bride: video calls, voice calls, live chat, emails, etc. Thus you will make sure you communicate with a real woman.
  2. The popularity of the website and testimonials. Needless to say that if there are only negative reviews on Google, you shouldn’t use a dating website. Instead, if there are more positive than negative ones, you can try using it.

Tips on Dating a Girl from Estonia

Fill in your profile data 

Let her know about your job, hobbies, and interests. Don’t forget to add a clear picture that describes your personality best. Thus she will be able to see you are not a scam profile but a real person. 

Be genuine

We’ve mentioned earlier how much Estonian women value sincerity in men, so make use of it. Be genuine to her and she will give it back to you.

Maintain a positive attitude

All of us can have hard days or personal problems but keeping a positive vibe is necessary to make a good impression and make her want to communicate with you more.


By now we have shared all secrets about Estonian girls that we know, and it’s high time for you to try dating them. We believe you will get lucky with our pieces of advice and wish you the best of luck in your Estonian dating experience.

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