Chinese Mail Order Brides And The Best Things About Them

Chinese Mail Order Brides And The Best Things About Them

China is a very special country that is famous around the world for a number of reasons. However, today we want to focus on just one aspect of China that continues to attract single men from all over the planet. We are talking about China mail order brides, who are so beautiful and perfect for marriage that they can easily overshadow even the loveliest women from your own country. Find out more about Chinese wives and how to date a Chinese woman from our ultimate guide to Chinese ladies for marriage.
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Characteristics Of Chinese Brides

If you know next to nothing about Chinese women for marriage, then you are probably mystified and confused by Chinese girls and their characters. However, the decision to find a Chinese wife can turn out to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made simply because those women possess every quality you may be looking for in your life partner. Here is what you can expect from a Chinese mail order bride.


Beauty is one of the first things you notice about Chinese brides. Their beautiful appearance is so well-known around the world that it has become its own beauty standard. Chinese brides are petite and slim-figured, but there are also many Chinese brides with curvy bodies that are especially attractive to Western men. 
The facial features of Chinese girls are delicate, but these women are the undisputed masters of makeup who know exactly how to look their best in any situation. Chinese brides take great care of themselves and are widely praised for maintaining their youthful look for decades.

Smart and educated

In major Chinese cities, education is highly valued. The parents of Chinese girls invest a lot of effort and money into giving their daughters the education they deserve. As a result, a typical Chinese woman in her early twenties is as educated and well-rounded as her Western counterparts. 
Chinese brides are familiar with art, literature, and global politics, which makes them some of the most fascinating conversation partners you have ever met. When you are dating a Chinese girl, you will be attracted to her mind as much as to her beauty!

Highly romantic

Chinese women may seem pragmatic and down-to-earth, but in reality, they are exceptionally fond of romance. Chinese girls grow up watching romance movies, listening to romantic music, and reading romance novels. By the time they reach adulthood, they want the same in their own relationships and marriage. 
It’s also worth noting that a Chinese bride won’t just sit around idly and wait for her boyfriend or husband to woo her with romantic gestures. Chinese mail order brides are more than capable of adding some romance to their relationships.

Loyal to their core

Chinese girls don’t get married too young and prefer to spend some time looking for their ideal partner. However, once they meet a man they want to marry and spend their lives with, they make sure to make him stick around. Chinese brides have many tricks up their sleeve, and their loyalty is one of the most effective ones.
A Chinese woman will never give you any reasons to suspect her infidelity. As soon as she meets you and the relationship between you gets serious, other men will simply stop existing in her worldview. Plus, Chinese wives are very supportive and will always stand by your side.

Ambitious and hard-working

When you meet Chinese women online or in person, you will likely find out that most of them are working full-time. Chinese girls hate to see their education go to waste and they are also not afraid of hard work. Women in China often work as much as men and have the same ambitions and plans for their career.
At the same time, Chinese brides are not ruling out the possibility of leaving work once they get married. After the wedding, Chinese wives direct most of their time and attention to their families, and if they feel like their family needs them more, they will always make the choice in favor of their loved ones.

Right now, there are thousands of Asian mail order brides to choose from, but Western men continue to be drawn to mail order Chinese brides and don’t want to consider anyone else for a serious relationship or marriage. There are many things about Chinese girls that will easily win you over, and here are 5 of their most attractive qualities for dating and marriage.

  • They are very serious about relationships. To a Chinese woman, dating someone is a very serious step and something she doesn’t take lightly. Chinese girls can easily flirt and communicate with men as friends, but they don’t date around and rarely have more than one or two serious partners by the time they get married.
  • They are perfect for starting a family. The attitude to childbirth in China is very special. Chinese women consider childbirth to be one of their true callings in life and they will never view a relationship or marriage as a complete one without children. A Chinese wife may wait for a while before starting a family, but having kids will always be on her mind.
  • They make men feel special. Chinese women are nearly unfamiliar with the feminist ideas of Western women and they understand the value of having a good man in their lives. Once a Chinese girl finds a man she can see as a potential husband, she will make sure he never goes away by surrounding him with affection, making him satisfied in bed, and generally attending to every single one of his needs.
  • They do wonders in the kitchen. You have never tried genuine Chinese cuisine until you taste the first Chinese dinner prepared to you by your Chinese bride. These women grow up watching their highly skilled mothers and grandmothers working around the kitchen. The naturally curious natures of Chinese girls make them want to master the art of cooking from a young age, so by the time you meet your Chinese mail order bride, you can rest assured she has the cooking proficiency of a five-star chef.
  • They find joy in the most mundane tasks. There are many reasons why China has been able to achieve its current economic state, and one of them is the ability of Chinese women to concentrate on tasks that most of us would call unbearably mundane and perform them day in and day out without complaining. Chinese women don’t get frustrated when they need to clean the house, wash the dishes, or take their kids for a walk several hours every day without getting bored or voicing their disappointment to you.

How To Date Chinese Women For Marriage: Top 5 Tips

Due to the difference in culture and dating scene in China and the US, dating a Chinese girl can seem difficult at first. However, if you do a little research before you meet Chinese lady to date, you will easily make the right impression starting from your first meeting and will gradually convince her that you are exactly the man she needs to be happy. Here are the top 5 tips that will help you successfully date a Chinese bride without any hard work or frustration.

Shower her with attention

When in a relationship, Chinese brides survive solely on attention from their partners. A Chinese mail order bride will feel neglected if you don’t send her a “Good morning” text right after waking up or forget about one of the many little anniversaries and important dates in Chinese romantic culture. However, while the task of keeping your date satisfied with attention may seem daunting at first, soon you will realize that when you are in love, there is nothing easier than just letting your feelings speak for themselves and allowing the romantic side of your nature to take the lead.

PDA is encouraged

If you know anything about Asian mail order brides, then you have probably heard that public displays of affection are unacceptable in many cultures and are even persecuted by law in some countries. However, China is a different story. PDA is not only perfectly acceptable in this country, but also encouraged by Chinese women for marriage. In fact, they may even take the lead and start kissing or hugging you in public to your surprise. Chinese brides are also very tactile and need to constantly touch their romantic partners in order to show their affection or get the necessary dose of attention.

You are expected to pay for everything

You are probably used to splitting the check with women in your own country or, at least, refusing their suggestions to go Dutch after a restaurant date. However, that is something that is completely alien to Chinese dating culture. Women there are not used to paying for themselves on dates and may even get offended if you suggest splitting the costs. If you have a problem with picking up the check, you can suggest different date ideas that don’t revolve around money, such as taking a nice walk in the city or cooking dinner together at home.

Assume the active role in the relationship

Chinese mail order brides don’t have a problem with the power balance in a couple and actually prefer men to accept the leading position in the relationship and then marriage. This is how Chinese girls are brought up by their families and this is exactly how they want to arrange things in their own relationships. A Chinese wife may offer her wise input and advice whenever you need it, but in 99% of the situations, she will rely on you to know exactly what to do and resolve any issues.

Use every possible chance to know her better

Chinese culture and the personality of your Chinese bride can take years for you to master, but it doesn’t mean you don’t need to actively try to get to know her better. There are many situations where your Chinese mail order bride is more likely to show her true self. If you are invited to the home of a Chinese woman to meet her family, or if you get a chance to spend some time with her circle of friends, those few hours can tell you more about your Chinese bride than months of dating her.

Chinese Mail Order Brides: Are There Any Cons?

Dating Chinese girl and then marrying her can be one of the best things that ever happens to you. However, you also need to remember that the social and dating culture in China can be very different from the Western world and some things that are considered to be the norm in China may be misunderstood here. While dating Chinese girls, you are likely to run into the following cons.

They are not afraid to fight in public

One of the main characteristics of a single Chinese girl is that she’s ready to demonstrate her emotions and feelings no matter where she is. When she’s in a relationship, it means both good and bad things for you. On the plus side, she will not hesitate before touching or kissing you in public, but when you are out together and she is unhappy about something, she may not want to wait until you get home to make a scene. However, if your relationship is going well and you found the right approach to your Chinese bride, you will easily find a way to calm her down and get back into her good graces.

They families may not be very accepting

The older generations of Chinese people can be very conservative. Many of them believe that their daughters should only marry Chinese men. And even if the parents of your Chinese mail order bride are generally understanding and ready to accept you as a son-in-law after seeing how much their daughter loves you, other members of the family may be less welcoming. They will not do anything obvious to drive you away, but they will secretly hope that your Chinese mail order wife will change her mind and consider someone closer to her own ethnicity for marriage.

Your financial situation really matters

When you first reach out to a Chinese girl for marriage you like, you need to be prepared for your financial situation to be thoroughly assessed by the woman. She may even ask you directly how much you make, but in most cases, she will use subtler ways to find out about your wealth — for example, by asking you about your house or the car you drive. It’s not that Chinese brides are overly materialistic, but it’s customary in Chinese culture not to marry someone who is poorer than you and lowering your standard of living. If the Chinese bride is happy with what she discovers, she will continue communicating with you.


Obviously, there are no Chinese brides who are created equal, but we are convinced that choosing one of the beautiful Chinese girls for marriage will eventually make you the happiest man on the planet. Even though there will likely be a difference in your cultures and views on life and marriage, Chinese wives have enough charisma and charm to make you forget about your doubts. If you are ready to meet Chinese singles or simply want to know where to find Chinese brides for marriage, you can find all the reviews and tips you need on our website.

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