Costa Rican Brides – Costa Rican Mail Order Brides: Why, How, and Where to Date These Girls

Costa Rican Brides – Costa Rican Mail Order Brides: Why, How, and Where to Date These Girls

Have you ever dreamt of chilling at the sunny beach with a hot Latin girl? If yes, you can easily make your dream come true in Costa Rica. Besides being an excellent spot for your summer vacation, this country has some of the most astonishing women in Latin America. Thus, if you dream of dating a lovely Costa Rican girl, we will tell you why, how, and where to date these beauties.
Home | Costa Rican Brides – Costa Rican Mail Order Brides: Why, How, and Where to Date These Girls

Costa Rican Women: Character Traits and Appearance


Most Costa Ricans appreciate family unity. They believe parents and family are the greatest treasure of life. Besides, most people live with their parents until they get married.
For many Americans, this setup seems to be a bit weird. However, there might be some substantial reasons for this. Thus, some people cannot afford to live separately from their families. Nonetheless, many financially independent Costa Ricans continue living in their parents’ houses, helping their family members with housework, finances, etc.

Thus, you have a pretty high chance of meeting a Costa Rican woman who still lives with her family. It means she will always be after her parents. It also means they can be a bit protective of her daughter. This thing relates to fathers primarily.
While some Costa Rican parents give their children dating advice, others may prohibit their daughters from dating particular guys.
Apart from protectiveness, Costa Rican parents spend much of their spare time with their children. They celebrate holidays, travel, gather on weekends, etc.
Costa Rican brides’ family-oriented nature means that your woman will inevitably introduce you to her parents (as soon as possible). She loves them with all and thus will want you to be a part of her family, inviting you to each family holiday.


Latin America is the world’s capital of women’s beauty, and Costa Rica is no exception to this rule.
Costa Rican brides, just like other Latin American women, are genetically gifted, having prominent glutes and powerful legs. You will find lots of girls with super seductive hour-glass figures.
Many girls exercise and lead an active and healthy lifestyle in general. Due to this, most of them get a bonus in the form of sexy flat bellies with abs.
If you travel to Costa Rica, you will undoubtedly enjoy the local girls’ curves. What about a gorgeous face? It is always exciting to see a girl with a beautiful body, charming eyes, and a magnificent smile. In the case of Costa Rican women, you will have this all. You will meet many gorgeous women who would have become perfect models for the greatest artists in the world.
Besides, Costa Rican genetics prevent women from developing early aging signs. It is scientifically proven that darker skin is more resistant to wrinkles. Thanks to this, most Costa Rican women are much better at aging than their European counterparts.


Costa Rican society remains patriarchal, for the most part. Most women see their success in marrying a nice guy, bearing children, and being the best wife in the world. Guys are seen as traditional breadwinners who move heaven and earth to ensure prosperous life for their families.
The excellent part about Costa Rican brides is that they are entirely satisfied with the traditional gender roles. Feminists are super uncommon in the country, and you will hardly meet such a woman.
Thanks to traditional upbringing, Costa Rican brides become super caring wives and skilled housekeepers. Thus, your woman will be eager to cook for you and do housework. At the same time, she will want you to repair things, renovate your house, etc. She is convinced that her husband should do such men’s stuff.
Anyway, a traditional Costa Rican wife is a warranty that your relationship will last till death does you apart.


Costa Rican higher education is generally more affordable than it is in the United States. Besides, Costa Rica women comprise a larger part of university students. Thus, the enrollment rate among women is 13% higher than it is among men. In general, you will find lots of Costa Rican women with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

Thus, you will always have a lot of topics to discuss with your Costa Rican girl. These women are well-educated and well-read. Most of them are free from cultural prejudice, which is excellent for international dating. Thus, well-educated and open-minded girls don’t mind dating guys from other countries. Costa Rican brides know that love knows no boundaries. Besides, they will be very eager to learn a different culture.

How to Date Costa Rican Brides?

The Costa Rican dating scene differs a lot from the American one. Thus, it is crucial to respect the culture and follow Costa Rican traditions if you want to build a relationship with the local woman. So check these dating tips that will help you pick up Costa Rican beauties:

Get Along with the Family

A Costa Rican woman will want you to meet her family. As we said before, you will spend a lot of time with her parents, grandparents, and cousins. Whether they accept you or not will significantly impact your relationship. Thus, you should treat her parents with ultimate respect.
In Costa Rica, a person is generally respected just for his age, not achievements. Therefore, you should talk to your woman’s parents respectfully regardless of your social status. Use the “sir/madam stuff,” hold the door for your girl’s mother, present small gifts when they invite you, etc.
By showing respect, you will demonstrate that you are worthy of marrying their daughter. Sure, it might sound weird, but it is the Costa Rican reality you have to deal with if you want to date a local woman.

Show Good Manners

Manners matter a lot in Costa Rica, and women are obsessed with gentlemen. In fact, for most women, the more polite you are, the sexier you become in their eyes. Thus, you always have to show good manners. Listen to your woman without interrupting her, avoid swear words, open the door, pull the chair for her, etc. Demonstrating your politeness and respect to your woman will melt her heart very quickly.

Pick up a Nice Outfit

Good manners and an impeccable outfit make an irresistible combination. For this, you should always pick up appropriate clothes. A good rule of thumb is to pick up a minimalistic yet stylish outfit. If you cannot afford top-end brands, you can always separate the wheat from the chaff in the mass market shops. The critical thing here is to look neat and tidy and not to show off.

Language Barrier

Costa Rica, just like the rest of Latin America, is a Spanish-speaking country. About 10% of the entire population speaks English. Besides, these people speak English at an intermediate or pre-intermediate level.
Nonetheless, people from the biggest cities and popular tourist destinations have higher English skills than suburban and rural areas. You will hardly find anyone speaking English in a Costa Rican village.
Thus, you will need to learn some Spanish phrases to get around in Costa Rica comfortably. Sure, you can go to the country without learning Spanish if you travel only. As for dating, Spanish, at least the basic vocabulary, is a must.

Emphasize Traditional Wooing

Traditional women require a “chivalrous” approach. Such wooing may be inappropriate in Norway or the US, but it is a time-proved method in Costa Rica. Thus, you have to do the following things:

Pay the Bill

Any Costa Rican woman will expect you to cover the dating expense. If you pay for her, she will treat it as a sign of your interest. In Costa Rica, a person pays for you if they have a romantic interest. Friends can share the bill. Thus, if you want to date your woman (not be friends), paying a restaurant check is your way to further the relationship.

Pick your Woman up and Drop Her Off

Although Costa Rica is considered one of the most peaceful countries in Latin America, women don’t feel safe, for the most part. Because of this, they want their boyfriends to “protect” them. A woman feels much calmer when she walks at night with her boyfriend rather than alone.

Flowers, Sweets, and Gifts

Many Costa Rican brides want to feel like little girls and often act childishly and playfully with their men. Due to this, they are always glad to receive romantic attention from their men. Thus, buying your woman flowers and sweets is an excellent idea. Pleasing your woman with cute gifts will also help you strengthen your bond.

Public Affection is Okay

Costa Ricans are super affectionate and passionate. It is also a big plus for your relationship. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that displaying public affection is entirely acceptable in the country. Thus, don’t hesitate to hug and kiss your woman in front of her friends and parents. It is okay, and you will see many couples holding hands, hugging, and kissing on the Costa Rican streets.
Thus, while going on the first date with a Costa Rican bride, you can be sure she won’t reject your touches and kisses. Still, it is better not to sexualize your physical contact. Costa Rican women may consider it insolence.

Costa Rican Girls Don’t Trust Strangers

There is one thing about Costa Rica that may cool your passion. Most women are tough to approach on the street, restaurant, café, or a club. These girls don’t trust strangers and will likely reject you if you attempt to pick them up. They tend to trust their friends instead. So if you know a girl’s friend, she will probably accept your attention. But if you are a stranger, she won’t show interest.

Because of this, it is much easier to meet Costa Rican ladies online.

Online Dating is a Viable Option

Online dating will bring you many more benefits than traditional dating. First, you will have incomparably more women to choose from. Second, it allows you to overcome the language barrier by using translation tools. Just insert what you woman says to Google Translate, and you are good to go.
Third, you will have higher chances of meeting a girl online rather than in a club. Thus, by clicking on a woman’s profile, you see that she is single and seeks a relationship. On the street, a nice-looking woman may have a boyfriend/ a husband/ three children. She might want to take a pause in relationships, be gay, etc.
Although you have a 1,000% higher chance of meeting a woman online rather than in the bar, you need to apply an effort to seduce her on the internet. So check the dating tips below:

Online Dating Tips

Pay Utmost Attention to Your Profile

Your dating profile is your appearance. When a woman checks your page, she looks at your photos first, judging you by appearance (all people on dating sites do this). Thus, to attract someone, you need to upload the best shots. For this, choose high-quality pictures where you are smiling and in action.
What is more, you should make an appealing self-description. Many guys whine about exes and complain about unfair life. This approach discourages other people from texting you. Thus, you should bring something positive instead. Say about your generosity; write that you value sincerity, commitment, respect, etc.

Build Mutual Trust

Developing a distant relationship is complicated when country borders separate you. Your significant other might think of your infidelity or struggle to believe your relationship is serious. Thus, building trust in a relationship is crucial.
For this, you need to support your loyalty with words and deeds. Thus, check these tips that will help you build mutual trust in a distant relationship with a Costa Rican bride:

  • Text your woman frequently. Initiate the conversation since many Costa Rican brides wait for their partners to demonstrate interest.
  • Rise her interest. Try to find discussion topics exciting to both of you. You can tell about some of your funny traditions and ask about those of your Costa Rican bride. Also, discuss hobbies and possible activities to spend time with your woman.

Also, overextending your online relationship stage is not recommended. It is always better to meet your woman in real life as soon as possible.

Where To Find Costa Rican Brides?

Costa Rica is quite a large country, and it is better to search for Costa Rican mail order brides from the largest and most developed cities. There are several reasons for that:

  • Women from large cities tend to have higher incomes and thus afford a better quality of life, including better education, nutrition, clothes, etc. In general, they are weathers than women from rural areas.
  • Women from big cities have better English knowledge in general.
  • The fact is that people living in capitals and big cities are more culturally developed and open-minded.

Thus, if you want to meet gorgeous well-educated Costa Rican brides, you should aim at these two cities:

San José

San José is the capital and the cultural center of Costa Rica. The city itself is home to more than 300,000 people, while the metropolitan area enumerates more than 1.5 million citizens. The excellent part about San Jose is that most of its schools are bilingual. It means you have a relatively high chance of meeting English-speaking Costa Rican women for marriage there.
Apart from that, San José is a great dating spot with plenty of entertainment and cultural establishments. These include exhibitions, museums, hotels, restaurants, cafes, shopping malls, etc.


Cartago is a former capital of Costa Rica. It has a rich cultural heritage, being a perfect place for discovering Costa Rican history. Cartago’s scenery can impress you with the beautiful nature of the tropical forests and historical buildings. It is also the third-largest city in Costa Rica. Thus, you will have a high chance to meet Costa Rican women for dating there.

Meet Costa Rican Women For Marriage: Make a Step Towards a Happy Family Life

Lots of Western guys are obsessed with Costa Rican brides. Many tourists visit the country specifically for dating. It is for one good reason: Costa Rican brides become great wives. Grown in the traditional environment, these women do their best to establish a healthy relationship. A Costa Rican wife will always meet you halfway, which is crucial for a stable relationship.
Most Costa Rican brides are eager to have strong and authoritative husbands they can follow. A traditional Costa Rican woman needs a leader. Once she finds one, she becomes the sweetest and loveliest girl on earth. All in all, you will undoubtedly enjoy a happy family life if you marry a Costa Rican woman.

Choosing Costa Rican Brides Dating Site

Finding a reliable and high-quality dating website might be challenging. However, it doesn’t mean you should leave an attempt to meet Costa Rican mail order brides. Determination is the key to success, and you can apply this rule to online dating as well. So check these tips on finding a high-quality Costa Rican dating website:

Check the Feedback First

The quickest way to check the site’s reputation is to visit review websites. By browsing customer testimonials, you will get an understanding of the dating platform’s pros and cons. Sometimes, you can get enough information about a dating site right at this stage.

Pay Attention to Security Features

A reliable dating website always applies data encryption tech for safety purposes. Thus, make sure a dating site has a valid SSL certificate. You can check it by clicking on the site information button (at the beginning of the URL field). Then, it is highly preferable to choose dating sites with digital security badges and user identity verification. These features ensure a malware and scam-free environment.

Choose Websites with Broad Audience

It is better to choose from thousands of women instead of a dozen. For this, you should choose sites with a massive audience. Most dating platforms don’t display the number of registered users. Thus, you can create a free account and use the website search to see how many results it shows.

Prioritize Dating Sites with Transparent Payment Policies

Always choose dating sites with free registration. Otherwise, you may risk your money while paying for the trial period or a subscription plan during sign-up. Carefully read the terms of use and payment information while purchasing the subscription.


If you dream of a beautiful, loyal, and open-minded Latin American woman, you can undoubtedly find one among Costa Rican brides. Most Costa Rican ladies are sexy, obedient, and family-oriented. Furthermore, they treat relationships much more seriously than American or European women.
Is it an ideal setup for a healthy family, isn’t it? Thus, if you want to marry a Costa Rican woman, you can create an account on a dating website and try your fortune right now.

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